Friday, March 24, 2006

Saturday's a Rugby Day

However, my rugby team is off this weekend (and I'm nursing a bro..., errr, strained ribcage). As an alternative to posting rugby photos or playing rugby, I've posted the following link to some great rugby hits (sorry for the buffer). I could watch this over and over again.


DerekB said...

I LOVE THIS VIDEO!!! I think you have put me in the mood to post more soccer pictures on my blog. You think I have a issue with violence?

PS..Sorry to hear about the ribs. Hope you feel better soon.

David James said...

I'll try to get video of this one game I played in where there were a few hits like those. And no, you don't have an issue with violence. Watching this stuff stirs the adrenaline. Fun stuff (although the music was awful).

I'm actually feeling a lot better now, thanks. Plus I have a whole prescription of vicodin that remains untouched. Hello, Cleveland....