Tuesday, March 28, 2006


In recent "news of the obvious," it was announced yesterday that Scarlett Johnasson was voted the world's sexiest woman, according to a new poll in men's magazine FHM. Rounding out the Top 10 list were Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson, Keira Knightley, Halle Berry, Jenny McCarthy, Maria Sharpova, Carmen Electra and Teri Hatcher.

I will put aside for a moment how plastic faced/coke nosed Teri Hatcher made the list, unless readers got confused and thought they were voting for the "Top 10 Fugly" list instead.

But rather than quibble over the selections (although Jessica Simpson? Really? Ick), I thought I would post a few tasteful, albeit gratuitous photos, of the soon-to-be Mrs. David James for your perusal:

Uhh, towel please. Thanks.


DerekB said...

Dude,that towel comment was so....EW!!!!

Smartypants said...

Her and Angelina. I get that and I'm straight.

David James said...

Funny, I'm straight and I get it too. Off how there are certain universal truths.

David James said...

I cannot belive I offended the frail sensitivities of derekb (who posts pictures of nude people on his blog) and kate (who entertains us with descriptions of how she would like to assault her co-workers in the elevator). Good god, people.

Is "pass the Kleenex" better?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your engagement! Good job taking my advice and moving in on her so quickly. My next piece of advice is to skip the prenup and include the towels in your gift registry. Also be emotionally prepared in case she dumps you and in an extreme cruel twist of fate, marries someone else on your birthday. Not like that happened to me or anything...

pop renaissance said...

to back you up, i'll need a beach towel.

okay, that was even too "eeeew" for me, but it needed to be said.


Chuckles said...

There are not enough towels in the world to satisfy my needs.