Friday, March 31, 2006

Back to Old Form

So the other day I'm riding our friendly subway system in to work and, for some reason, the BART train is packed. There aren't any seats available, which is fine by me since I don't really relish the thought of some guy's crotch at eye level and 18 inches from my face.

As I phase out while listening to my iPod ("Kenny Loggins - yeah!!"), I notice a woman who appears to be 4 months pregnant get on the crowded train and stand near the seats closest to the doors. I'm standing close enough to the door to also notice that there's a guy in a suit (I'd guess late 40's or so) sitting down in the seats reserved for the elderly/physically challenged (or handicapped or crippled or whatever you call it these days).

So I'm watching and waiting for this guy to offer up his seat as any decent human being should do. You don't want to give up your seat for the person with really bad eyesight but isn't technically blind? Okay, fine. But you can't not give up your seat for a pregnant woman. I mean, come on.

But this worthless piece of shit focuses his eyes on his newspaper, while pretending not to see her protruding stomach that's literally right in his face. I mean, there's no way not to notice.

I'm standing too far away and the BART is way too crowded to move at all, but I just wanted to scream "What in the fuck is wrong with you, you selfish, lazy piece of shit?! Get out of your goddamn seat and let that woman sit down!" I so wanted to pull a page from one of Kate's angry, retaliation fantasies from riding on the work elevator, by yanking this guy out from his seat by his hair and choking him with his own tie.

This happened the other day but it still bothers me to this day. I can just feel my blood pressure rise thinking about it. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of how most people suck.

1 comment:

David James said...

Oh I will (and I did).

The problem was that the train was packed with kids from a field trip, so I would have to swim through them to get close enough to say somethin lest I shout from 10 feet away.

I really, really do hate people sometimes. Easily the rudest behavior of 2006 I've seen.