Thursday, March 16, 2006

Political De-Evolution

Undaunted by the utter failure which is the war in Iraq, President Bush reaffirmed his quick-trigger "strike-first" policy against terrorists and enemy nations on Thursday and said Iran may pose the biggest challenge for America.

"When the consequences of an attack with weapons of mass destruction are potentially so devastating, we cannot afford to stand idly by as grave dangers materialize. ... The place of pre-emption in our national security strategy remains the same," Mr. Bush wrote.

Fuck, make up your mind. Is it Iraq with a "q" or Iran with an "n" that you're worried about? Is this your way of subtly breaking the news to us that you fucked up and attacked the wrong nation? If so, I'm glad I don't live in Irak (wherever that is). And are you still using the lame "weapons of mass destruction" line? That is so 2002. At least come up with a new buzz term that we can openly mock.

God, I wonder where Jeb Bush or John McCain fall on this spectrum? I really can't deal with 8 more years of "Koko, the Talking Chimp President."

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