Friday, March 10, 2006

Saturday's A Rugby Day

... and Sunday is the recovery day. Except today is Monday and I still feel like I was in a car accident over the weekend. I wonder if it had anything to do with the big Pacific Islander players that I kept colliding with. Could be - who knows? What I do know is that I am likely past the Tylenol stage on and ready for the combination muscle relaxer/horse tranquilizer pills. Basically, I want whatever it was the sent Rush Limbaugh and Colin Farrell to rehab. Just a smaller does and without the addictive side effects.

More grumblings:

* While clipping and disposing of one's nails on the BART is arguably the most socially inappropriate and reprehensible thing in the world, a close choice for #2 may be eating pistachios and spitting the shells out on to the floor of a semi-crowded BART train. Nice works (and no, I don't make this shit up).

* Almost as disgusting as the nail clipping incident was the guy in my office that brought his cup of coffee into the restroom with him the other day while he did his business. What the fuck is wrong with you? Your office is 40 feet away! Drop off your cup of joe and then go finish your business. There's simply no need to pinch a colon loaf and sip office coffee at the same time. That is just so wrong.


DerekB said...

What about the guy thats LOVES to talk on his cell phone in the men's room while taking a dump?? That one ranks up there too.

David James said...

Awful. A month ago, I heard a guy on his cell phone in a restaurant bathroom so I flushed the urinal repeatedly so the person on the other end would know what a douchebag they were talking to.