A naked pregnant woman danced on a float to a song about feminine beauty and brains, rubbing her belly provocatively as some 4,000 troupe members sang "Indian, white or black, it's all seduction."
But the sensuous display had a serious side: "Women have knocked down barriers and built equality," the dancers sang. One float from the Porto da Pedra troupe featured graphic scenes of childbirth. Another shone with four enormous gold busts of female gods, while the sides of a third were plastered with photos of Brazilian mothers and social leaders.
I, too, extol the virtues of these fine (and I do mean fine) women who want to flaunt their mental and physical assets. And if doing so requires the use of skimpy outfits like the one above, then I say more power to them! Do not let society tell you that you need to overdress in a particular way.
Wow. You mean all I have to do for equality is show some T&A? I'll get naked right now and ask my boss for a raise. Let you know how it goes...
Using the Carnival standard, I think "T" is the only thing which needs to be disclosed. I believe "A" is optional.
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