Friday, February 24, 2006

Goodbye Sweet Liberties

On a decidedly more serious (and ominous) note, South Dakota lawmakers approved a ban on nearly all abortions Friday. And Republican Gov. Mike Rounds indicated that he was inclined to sign the bill, which would make it a crime for doctors to perform an abortion unless it was necessary to save the woman's life -- there would be no exceptions in cases of rape or incest.

Many people feel that this is a deliberate assault on Roe v. Wade at a time when some activists see the U.S. Supreme Court as more willing than ever to overturn that decision.

"I think the stars are aligned," said House Speaker Matthew Michels-R (whose awful picture is to the left). "Simply put, now is the time."

Well fan-fucking-tastic.

What a lovely step backwards this is.

I am so glad that the Democrats had the fortitude and backbone to do what they thought was right by ....uhhh, allowing these Roberts and Alito to simply waltz in by votes of 78-22 and 58-42. Nice work rolling over, Democrats.

You knew this day would come, but I don't think anyone ever thought that the Right Wing would push the envelope within 3 months of Alito's confirmation. God, those fuckers work fast, don't they?

What other civil rights shall we roll back next? Should we just repeal the 19th Amendment and end women's suffrage? Perhaps we should just dust off the old Jim Crow laws.

I am sick.


pop renaissance said...

well, once we can stop those pesky women from voting too, then everything will be just fine.

remember: there's no provision for incest or rape in that ban, either.

David James said...

No kidding. I'm surprised that George Clooney hasn't been elected president yet. Perhaps we'll end up with Jake Gyllenhaal as CA governor. Which, as I think about it, probably wouldn't be as bad as Arnold.

pop renaissance said...

nothing is as bad as arnold - he's as ineffective as a tampon in a retirement home.

David James said...

I was living out of state when my fellow Californians put this tool in Sacramento. Was Gray Davis really that bad? While it's refreshing to see that voters did not elect Gary Coleman in the special election, I still wonder what everyone was thinking at the time.