Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Fashion Alert!

Believe it or not, I'm not posting this photo to make fun of Britney's shape. (That being said, perhaps someone could hold up a ruler, you know, just so one could get a sense of perspective here.)

Rather, I want to draw attention to the cutoff jeans she's wearing in lieu of a bathing suit.

Cutoff jeans.

I remember when cutoffs were so cool ... it was around 1977 and "Smokey & The Bandit" was cool, too, but it's not like we're bringing that back. (Wait, I better not speak too soon...)

Seriously, cutoff jeans. What the fuck? Can you not afford to buy a decent bathing suit? For the love of god, has your wigger husband spent all of your money already? God, something tells me that she's going to end up like that 62-year old California woman that's pumping out kids endlessly well past her normal ovulatory expiration date.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I donated that same hat to Goodwill when Auntie Em died. Wonder where it's been all this time...