Monday, February 06, 2006

BlackBerry Fiasco Update

As of today, I still do not have a working phone/email/solitaire playing handheld device. My phone went dead last week for what I thought was due to the national BlackBerry black out. After some troubleshooting and inquiry, it merely had to do with the fact that my phone sucks and refuses to work. There’s nothing wrong with the service. So I need another phone. And it just so happens that the warranty expired about 2 weeks ago. Fuck. Fortunately, I came across a nice chap at the Cingular help desk who mentioned something about a “mystery 13th month” of warranty (whatever that means), and that a new phone would be sent out today. Fantastic.

So with that $200 that I avoided spending on a new phone, I’ll instead spend on something far more useful, like some "petsteps". To answer your question, no, I don’t own a pet ... so I really don’t need these steps. I just saw this stupid device advertised which just screamed "too much disposable income" and felt compelled to mention it here. And by mention, I mean “mock.”

Finally, there’s some important news I want to share with you all. Yes, you guessed it -- I’m headed back to St. Louis again! And you know that that means. My travel woes are your amusement! Who knows what fun and merriment awaits me next week?

Tomorrow -- update on my latest fun rugby injury ...


Anonymous said...

The Petstep is up there with the "squagel." I think AH needs one next to his nightstand.....

David James said...

Would the pet step be right next to the shoe horn that we've seen previously? Or would it be for his dimunitive girlfriends in order to enable them to climb into his bed?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking next to the shoe horn and more for use in his old age. I can also see a Craftmatic bed and The Clapper in his near future - although knowing him they will not be used as intended.