Friday, December 23, 2005

Are We Done Yet?

Given my intermittent posting schedule, I thought it would be best to wish everyone a Merry Christmas now while I sort of have my shit together (not to mention a nice lull in work). So, I hope everyone has a great and relaxing holiday.

Yes, 2005 has been -- despite what W. said -- a less than fantastic year, but it could be worse. You could have been the unfortunate Egyptian man that discovered on his wedding day that his fiancée of 3 years was a man who had been concealing his identity behind a veil. The fiancee was quoted as saying that he had intended to tell his husband the truth after they were married and had hoped to convince him to consummate the marriage.

Now I have no idea how you sell this one to the surprised groom. I mean, how do you even begin to position this? "I've got good news and bad news, sweetie. The bad news is that I'm a dude and I've been hiding it for the past three years. The good news is that we wear the same shoe size and I won't object to anal." Seriously, if this guy could pull this off, hats off to him for have crazy negotation skills.

The article also goes on to say that he was being held on charges of swindling and posing as a woman. Feel free to insert your own tasteless Starr Jones joke here.

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