Friday, January 25, 2008

Rainy Day, Go Away ....

So Norther California is on day 110 of the rain watch. I write this fearing the day that the rain-soaked hills will give way and land a 100 foot redwood tree on top of my house. Or maybe, if I'm truly unlucky, my entire house will gently slide away down my street. I expect to wake up each morning and find myself living underwater, kind of like Atlantis or Water World (minus Kevin Costner's horrible acting).

Things are looking up on the job front. I had my review today which went well, although I'm sure it was aided by my boss' bipolar medicine. The reason I say that is that he was perfectly pleasant and made more creepy, insane statements. My favorite quotes from today "we both come from a caring and compassionate place" and "let me share something I learned from you."

This dude is Britney Spears delusional. I honestly don't know if he believes this shit or not, but I think he really does. Whatever, just keep popping the happy pills, my man, until I land that next big job. Meeting next week with another company, so keep your fingers crossed.


Kate said...

Is your boss INTO you?

I love those books with the drawings like you posted.

Cindy said...

You know, if you get another job, you'll be deprived of much blog fodder. Your boss is nucking futs! Jeez!