Monday, January 21, 2008

My Second Christmas

I just found out that my boss will be out of the country this week and, get this, he announced that his cell phone won't work in Europe. Fucking awesome. So this week will be a week without work reportings (although the blog content might take a big hit) and I'll focus on happier things.

Like the fact that we will have a new president in one year's time. Sure, there's a slight chance that GW will do something wretched, like declare martial law and amend the Constitution to make himself president for life. Which isn't totally far-fetched after watching the last seven years. Since I've been old enough to vote, I've been witness to some truly awful presidents (although Clinton was great)-- Reagan, Bush Sr. and now GW. By my math, that's two terms of yeah and five terms of "fuck me." I'll save the longer political rant for later in the week, but I am very, *very* excited to be getting a new president. If you toss out Huckaby, I would probably prefer any active candidate in the race right now over what we have now. Seriously.

But you'd better check out all the candidates quickly, because South Carolina and Florida are coming up soon and it's do-or-die for certain candidates (Giuliani and Edwards, in particular). I usually keep nervous watch each election year, but this year I'm almost too afraid to look. I'm afraid that Hillary might get the nomination, thereby energizing the fuckwit right wing base. I'm afraid that Obama might really be a political lightweight. I'm afraid that Biden's plugs might come undone. And I'm really, *really* afraid that we're going to end up with another conservative nutjob who gets to replace ancient-ass Justice Stevens with some forty-something, right-wing freak who thinks that evolution is of the devil and that dinosaurs were planted by God in order to mislead the week-minded believers. I would rather let Britney Spears babysit my kids than see that happen.

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