Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Is it Wednesday?

For the thousands (okay, few) of you that were concerned about the status of my thumb, here's a quick update. I got x-rays on Friday to make sure it wasn't broken. They x-rays turned out to be negative, but evidently I have some sprained ligaments in there. So they gave me a splint to protect it, which led to the following exchange:

Me: "So if it's not structural, it's really just a pain tolerance issue, isn't it?"
Doctor: "That's correct."
Me: "So I could play rugby on it tomorrow, in theory?"
Doctor: "I wouldn't advise it."

Fast forward 24 hours later and there I am playing in our first preseason game of the year.

Yes, Virginia, I am retarded.

Update: Travel blog to appear late today or early tomorrow.

1 comment:

Smartypants said...

You are as bad as me running on my hurt foot.