Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Belated Thanksgiving

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. I spent a very quiet holiday with family and enjoyed a carb-tastic dinner. Everyone I know loves the Thanksgiving meal (perhaps minus a few annoying relatives), so I've wondered why we only have turkey and all the fixings once per year. I mean, it's not like there's some sort of stuffing shortage or cranberry sauce embargo. The good holidays start to dwindle in the early part of the year, so why not have "Thanksgiving Day II" in, say, June? It's not like "Flag Day" is knocking anyone's socks off.


Sassy said...

Love the picture of the "turkeys."

Anonymous said...

After seeing your disgusting self-portrait, I propose that we ban Thanksgiving all together. Dude, that is nasty! Did you find that in Derek's sock drawer?!

David James said...

Sassy - Thanks, I've been saving up the man-turnkey photo for quite some time now. I will pass on the stuffing, though.

Anonymous - Yes, it is horrible, but to clarify -- did you mean "sock" or "sack" drawer?

Smartypants said...

I've decided to make the whole meal again for Christmas b/c it's just too good for only once a year.