Thursday, April 27, 2006

Put That Coffee Down!

"We're adding a little something to this month's sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired."

Alec Baldwin, "Glengarry Glen Ross"

In today's "News of the Ick," lawyers for a woman who was spanked in front of her co-workers as part of what her employer said was a "team-building exercise" asked a jury yesterday for at least $1.2 million for the humiliation she says she suffered.

Janet Orlando, 53, quit her job at a home security company and sued, alleging discrimination, assault, battery and infliction of emotional distress. Employees were paddled with rival companies' yard signs as part of a contest that pitted sales teams against each other, according to court documents. The winners poked fun at the losers, throwing pies at them, feeding them baby food, making them wear diapers and swatting their buttocks.

Wow. And I thought it would have sucked to have worked at the "Glengarry Glen Ross" sales offices. That place looked reserved compared to this place. That being said, I can put up with a lot of crap for $1.2 million. Shit for $1.2 million I would gladly pose naked next to a ruler as part of a team-building exercise. Too bad the job is in Orlando.


Anonymous said...

Did Janet take a few to the face as well as the "buttocks"? Poor soon to be rich creature.

Smartypants said...

Coffee is for closers!

David James said...

... and, evidently, spankings are for non-closers.

Anonymous said...

i heard men were spanked too, so there goes the discrimination argument, right? as for me, if i can claim $$$ for the countless spanking i've endured in my life, i would be SO rich by now~ and my parents destitute.

pop renaissance said...

man, and i usually have to PAY to get spanked. that's one lucky lady.