Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Disneyland - Day 2

At 5:45, I am awoken by my son who is desperate to get back to Disneyland despite my repeated explanation that the park doesn't open for over 2 hours. Having failed that negotiation, I cannot go back to sleep but I manage to fill the time before the park opens before heading over to 7-11 to stock up on snacks. "Hey kids, who likes beef jerky? Oh, just me? Oh well."

Despite getting 5 hours of solid sleep, for some reason unbeknonst to me I am still exhausted. Go figure. So I scour the 7-11 for sources of caffeine that I can easily smuggle into the park. And then I discover it -- Mad Croc energy gum. The good news is that this little magic pill contains caffeine, taurine, B6 and B12, just what I need in order function. The bad news is that the flavor is what I imagine a partially chewed up cigarette would taste like. But despite the hideous aftertaste, I still consume five of them during Day 2.

On Day 2, it rained even worse in the morning than it did on Day 1. I don't have the actual soaking wet picture of me that I mentioned on yesterday, but I looked a little something like this:

Other highlights from Day 2:

* I somehow managed to cut my finger and draw blood with a plastic knife. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is "No, I'm not retarded." I blamed this mishap on the poor product design (the knife was heavily serrated), although it could have been something to do with the fact that I was pretty groggy by lunch. Perhaps I should have kept my receipt for the Mad Croc energy gum.

* My favorite rides remain "The Pirates of the Caribbean" and "It's a Small World" (hmm, I wonder when that movie is coming out?). My favorite part during the PotC ride is the scene where the pirates are selling of women as brides (when did this enlightened practice stop?). If you time it right and listen carefully, you'll hear the auctioneer instruct one of the potential brides to "show 'em your best attribute," at which point one of the rubenesque women turned around and shook her robotic ass. The silence of my boat mates when I burst out laughing indicates, however, that I am the only one that heard this.

* Bad news - The Michael Jackson "Captain EO" ride is no longer at Disneyland. Good news - it's been replaced by the "Children's Heavy Petting Zoo," so we really don't have to miss a beat.

* Further bad news - The robotic (or was the technology called "animatronic?") Abraham Lincoln is on hiatus at Disneyland. Outstanding. I guess it was imperative to squeeze in the umpteenth Disneyland gift shop instead of Honest Abe. Does anyone else remember this attraction? I loved it. Now how will the children ever learn about history?

Tomorrow - final airport musings from the Santa Ana Airport.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally remember Abe Lincoln. Wasn't he part of the Hall of Presidents? POTC is my all-time fav. Thing I like best: the smell. Don't ask.
Did you know you can buy Disney Parkhopper passes in the Safeway checkout line in Aurora, CO?