Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Disney Postlude

Other than the bad weather, the only thing which irked me on Day 2 was something that happened during the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. As we're riding through the PotC, I noticed people started singing the "Yo, ho, ho, hum, a pirate's life for me" chorus .... but that was it. No one knew any of the rest of the words. Now I am not holding myself out there as a PotC music expert, but I do know there's nothing more annoying than hearing a boatload of off-tune people murmuring lyrics that they don't know. Jesus, if you don't know the song, please don't pretend that you do. Fuck, that irked me.

The rest of Day 2 was great. That is, until I left to head to the Santa Ana Airport. While waiting for my delayed flight, I did notice a few odd things:

1) There is actually flight which goes from Orange County to Los Angeles. I have no idea who would ever take this flight since the two airports are only 40 miles away. Even with horrible So Cal rush hour traffic, you can't tell me it's quicker to "park, check in, submit to security gate strip search, board plane, fly, land, get bags, exit airport, hail a cab." That's just absurd.

2) More absurd than that, though, was the dude standing in the middle of the airport videotaping the interior of Santa Ana Airport. He wasn't taping his wife getting off the plane or his rushing to see him. No, by all appearances, he was simply taping the walkway, the signs, gate information and the like. Who the fuck does that? Like he's going to get home and pop in the video and show his friend's back home the amazing flying machine building. What a rube.

As I've noted before, flying Southwest sucks. But flying on Southwest out of Orange County is even worse. If you've never done it before, it's hard to describe the harrowing take off that passengers have to endure in exchange for the privilege of flying out of the OC. You see, Orange County residents who decided to live near the long-standing airport evidently didn't realize that planes make noise. A lot of it. So in order to avoid disturbing those OC residents that chose to live there, each plane needs to undertake some crazy flying gymnastics.

In a nutshell, the plane takes off like a space shuttle, before quickly dropping the nose of the plane and cutting down on the engine throttle. After gliding for about 5 minutes, the pilot quickly turns on all the engines and we begin to soar higher. All so some right wing assholes who chose to live near the airport can do so with minimal noise disturbance.

My response (as you could probably guess) is "fuck them, they brought that shit on themselves" (See, "In re: BHug"). Seriously, why should I have to endure some crazy Apollo 13 takeoff just so they can live in their $800,000 track homes? Fuck, I just rode enough wild rides at Disneyland, why can't I have a simple flight for once?

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