Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday Musings

I'm on a mind numbing call right now and so I thought I would post the only photo which keeps me from gouging out my eyes right now.

It could be a combination of the subject matter ... it could be the monotone delivery of the speaker ... or it could be that I simply don't give a shit any more about this job. To be honest, I sort of like what I do and I actually like working from home (a lot), but I don't know how much longer I can do this job. It's actually considered a pretty good job, so part of me is very afraid that the rest of my work life will be similarly disappointing and lacking of any redeeming value.

I really don't want to sound like a whiny bitch (I know, too late) but this has been bothering me for a while. I know that things could be far worse. I realize that I could be out of a job tomorrow, scavenging half eaten chicken wings from a dumpster behind KFC. But almost all the other people I know that have similar jobs really don't like them. Deep down, I'm worried that that it will be the same thing with any other company and that I'm going to be stuck doing this crap for the rest of my life.

Oh well, my call is over now so maybe I'll contemplate the meaning of life for a while. Or, alternatively, spend the balance of the afternoon searching the Internet for mindless pablum to make the day go by quicker.

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