Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday Work Musings

So I have a short break between insanely early morning meetings, which gives me a chance to write a quick update about my new job.

So far, I love my new job. The people I work with are professional, polite and smart. Very smart. I work mostly with researchers and scientists, and these people are ridiculously smart and talented. To the point where I am starting to believe that I am the dumbest person at my job. They'll start talking about some crazy technology or licensing issues, and I know that my face conveys that I am a total idiot in comparison. I swear, even the receptionist knows more about patents than me.

This is in stark comparison to the folks I used to work with in my old job, some of whom I am confident were borderline retarded. Because of that, it doesn't feel like I've used my brain much the past couple of years. In comparison, I've already learned a ton of new stuff here, which is great. The subject matter is new and the environment in which I am learning is almost academic, which is appropriate since much of my work is dealing with universities.

I know, I know. Many jobs start off great and then tail off. But so far, so good. And it's nice not to have a narcissistic, insecure, bipolar asshole screaming at you for not reading his mind.

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