Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potomac Primary

Today voters in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia will vote in the region's much-anticipated "Potomac Primary," which is turning into one of the most closely contested presidential races ever. Clinton has a slim delegate lead while Obama has the overall state lead (19-13).

Obama is favored to sweep the vote on Tuesday which will leave him in a virtual dead heat with Clinton. March 4 will be the next big primary date, where voters in Texas and Ohio will cast their votes. Like many Democrats, I've been really divided over the candidates. I mean, once Dodd dropped out, what was the point?

Obviously, I would prefer either candidate over GW fuckwit, but at this point I lean towards Obama, although it's admittedly for intangible descriptors like "hope," "charisma" and "leadership." I also think that Clinton is unelectable, as she would be a lightening rod for the Conservative Right and perceived as a divisive candidate whose moderate record is eerily similar to McCain's. And we saw what happened when "moderate Al Gore" ran against "moderate GWB." Hello eight years of misery.

But if I'm honest with myself, he's really not experienced enough to be president -- he has eight years experience in the Illinois Senate and only two years in the U.S. Senate. And if I'm further honest with myself, I really worry that many voters in this country are still backwards enough to vote for McCain because of his skin color (i.e., pasty white). But I'm getting ahead of myself, there's a nomination to earn first and he's barely half way there.

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