Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Here's The Deal

So I said I would post over the weekend -- and then, as always, I let down my readership (which is a cool term and implies that there are more than, say, six people reading this thing). No surprise there for those that have known me over the years. I am blond and from California, which makes me both dizzy and flaky, I guess.

Anyway, so here's the deal with the new job. I just accepted a position working for a large Scandinavian mobile devices company (whose name rhymes with "Mokia") supporting their research scientists and engineering groups. I know it sounds boring, but it's actually very cool, innovative product work that I would be working on (goodbye sales channel) and the people I've met with all seem very nice, normal and bright. I know, a stark contrast from my current situation where many of the people I work with couldn't spell "cat" if I spotted them the C and the A. Okay, that's a slight exaggeration but folks are definitely not splitting atoms at my company.

Anyway, I'm going to work on totally different projects, for a normal, respected company, and will even get to do some international travel. Next month I will go to Finland for two weeks, the dates I am still working on in order to make the annual New York birthday drunkfes ..., uhh, trip.

So the blog will change somewhat, as I won't be able to provide inane reports about my raving asshole boss, nor my thrilling sojourns to St. Louis. Goodbye Shit Louis, hello freezing Scandinavian country with 6 hours of sunlight in the winter. I'll still have crazy travel stories, but they'll involve people with funny accents and wooden shoes (that is Finland, right?).

By the way, enjoy this post while it lasts. I'm hesitant to discuss my new job, partly due to my innate paranoia that my bipolar boss will find out and fire me before my annual bonus is paid out (only 23 more days until March 14!) and partly due to my own equally irrational fear that I will somehow jinx things or wake up from my dream. But given that I met with them again today, saw where my office would be, ordered my computer and fancy new phone, I'm guessing that I only thing I really have to worry about is the BPB finding out and immediately firing me. I *know* the chance of that are remote, but he would totally do it if he found out. And if it did happen, the odds would be just as good that I would immediately fly to STL with a blowtorch and some pliers in order to go medieval on someone's ass. So let's just hope that doesn't happen so it doesn't put an unsightly blotch on my background check.


Kate said...

Congratulations - what exciting news! I know how much you'll miss your current gig, and who can blame you, really. So you'll be back in an actual office of people?

David James said...

Thanks, I really appreciate it. While I'll miss the crazy Loo (okay, not really), I'm thankful of whatever work karma landed me in my new job. I'm also thankful that, despite the horrendous commute, I'll actually be able to work in an office (albeit a satellite office) with people again. The work hours are flexible, so I'll be able to start early and work from home occasionally. Although I guess it's time to get some sort of crunchy hybrid vehicle. Sigh.