Friday, March 16, 2007

Business in the Front, Party in the Back

In the latest installation of "Redneck News of the Day, Dakota Russ, 9, won the prestigious "best mullet in Jacksonville" award. Russ stood in front of thousands of people in the pit of Jacksonville's Alltel stadium at the "Monster Jam" truck show and showed off his pride and glory: his long, raven mullet. With the "victory," Russ took home a six-foot trophy (which is topped with a little man sporting a mullet), as well as bragging rights for one year.

His parents were understandably proud of his mullet. "I was just so happy, because I had been so nervous that he would not win. We could not walk five steps without someone stopping us to get a picture," his mother said.

Some people view Russ' victory and his mullet haircut (a/k/a, the "Missouri Compromise," the "Kentucky Waterfall" and the "Camaro Cut") as a crowning achievement; others simply view it as a form of child abuse.

His mother said she has wanted to enter him into the contest for the past two years, but they were unable to make it the Jam. He plans to enter the contest in the future, but he may have some tough competition next year ... his dad may enter too.

I guess it's like the old saying goes, "the family that sports the ridiculously ugly haircut together, stays together."

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