Thursday, September 15, 2005

Monkey No Like GW

I've uncovered a previously-unpublished photo which is either:

(a) GW working on his memoirs while in the Oval Office, or
(b) Current Supreme Court-nominee John Roberts typing up potential non-answers to questions he faces during the Senate confirmation hearings.

If you chose (a), I'm sorry but you guessed wrong. I admit that there is a stunning resemblance between GW and this chimpanzee, not to mention the fact that they both possess opposable thumbs. However, I have to put the monkey higher up on the evolutionary/intelligence scale than GW. Plus, I am pretty confident that GW lacks the mental capacity to type. I do believe, though, that if we got 99 more monkeys and 99 more typewriters, they could, in fact, type Shakespeare. Or perhaps GW's White House memoirs.


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