Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Senator Affleck

I really hadn’t intended for this to turn into a political blog, but it seems to be working out that way. It seems that every other day there's an amazing (i.e., awful) story emanating from Washington DC that causes me to rant. The stories usually revolve around conservatives that seek to undermine science by teaching "intelligent design" in schools or which work every possible angle in order to get prayer back in school (let's just refer to it as a moment of silence).

So today's political gem comes from a Washington Post article which states that Democrats may convince Ben Affleck to run for the Senate from Virginia.

That would be Ben Affleck, the actor. The same one that did an entire semester at University of Vermont before dropping out. The one that makes his brother Casey look like the reputable actor in the family.

Uhhh, did I get conked on the head at a rugby game and totally miss something here? When did Ben Affleck become a valuable commodity for the Democrats? Have you seen this guy's resume? Is this some backwards way of pumping up Warren Beatty in a potential run for Governor of California? Or did I miss the work Ben did in the State Legislature between his roles in "Pearl Harbor" and "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back?"

Yes, his life is less of a total train wreck now that he replaced the crazy-diva Jennifer for the girl-next-door Jennifer. But just because he was successful at knocking her does not mean he would be successful as a Senator. Please, tell me what skill set did he learn on the set of "Daredevil" which could possibly translate into public service? Oh wait, he was an attorney as well as a crime-fighting superhero, so that makes sense.

I appreciate that he's a staunch Democrat, as well as a big supporter of John Kerry's failed 2004 campaign. Big shit, so am I. You don't see me running for governor. I admit that being a big fundraiser is a significant talent, but it should not be sufficient to curry favor with Dems in order to get a Senator gig out of it. If the Democrats really want to see Sen. George Allen rousted in 2006, they should focus on a candidate that's more likely to do that than star in "Surviving Christmas 2."

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