Thursday, September 21, 2006

Random Thoughts

I was hoping to post the final installment of my St. Louis trip but my plans were derailed by this little thing called "work." However, I did want to post a couple of quick items:

* I forgot to mention that at one time during my all-day meeting, the company CEO was drawing an analogy and said that he wanted us to "think of the company like a hand."

Feel free to insert your own masturbation joke here. I still have no idea what the hell he was getting at, as I immediately starting snickering uncontrollably.

* In what can only be described as the bad luck of the Irish, Michael Jackson is reportedly planning to open an amusement park in Ireland with a leprechaun-inspired theme.

“Michael is deadly serious about this idea,” a source told Ireland’s Daily Mirror. “He loves the whole idea of leprechauns and the magic and myths of Ireland. It would cost around 500 million Euros [about $635 million] to do. He’s always wanted to open his own theme park and he thinks Ireland is the perfect place and it will all be built around the leprechaun theme.”

God there is so much wrong with this story, whether it be the odd preoccupation with leprechauns ... to the rather obnoxious idea of building some sort of Captain EO-inspired Disney (Ire)land that is supposed to draw Irish people to it ... to the ludicrous thought that someone would actually loan this person money.

Don't get me wrong, I am all in favor of capitalism as much as the next person. I just don't think that opening up an amusment park featuring a bunch of certain-to-be-drunk Irish dwarves dressed up as leprechauns is the most prudent financial investment.

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