Thursday, August 10, 2006

Free Willy

Cleto Dias, a 44-year-old Argentinean man with 37 children, has filed a request with the Argentinean authorities requesting that he be sterilized.

For the last 14 years he has been living with three women simultaneously. These days Mr. Dias is no longer capable of memorizing the names of his offspring, not to mention the dates of birth. Not surprisingly, Mr. Dias admits that he has never used condoms in his life and says he has no money for buying contraceptives because he has a large family to support. According to Mr. Dias, he makes only 1.5 Euro a day by painting walls.

"It’s hard to stuff too many hungry mouths with food every day," Mr. Dias was quoted as saying by Spiegel Online.

Good god, can you imagine the insane family bed that dude must have? You know I'm not a doctor, but I think that there is an easy cure for his problem: stop fucking. Don't cut your juevos off, perhaps simply try pulling out just a wee bit earlier or, to play it safe, simply masturbate. Although based on how horny this guy appears to be, it's safe to say he will beat his dick like it owes him money.

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