Thursday, April 19, 2007

"Liquor? I barely know her..."

Relax boys and girls ... I am still alive and well. I survived the big birthday weekend in NY and had a great time. DerekB has some photos and a more detailed write up will likely follow here, but here are a few things I recently learned on my trip:

* Despite what one may think at the time, there really is no urgent reason to get pizza at 2:30 in the morning. It was good, but entirely unnecessary. Overall, I estimate that I consumed enough food to feed a small family for one month.

* While they make a pretty good motorcycle, "Harley Davidson Beef Jerky" really doesn't live up to the same standard. While the toughened, leathery consistency lived up to the "Jerky" standard, I cannot be certain that it was actually made of beef. Unless they define "beef" broadly to include roadkill.

* People are insane. I saw a man in SFO changing his clothes in the middle of the bathroom next the sinks. He was wearing only underwear -- he was standing on the floor without any shoes or socks on. Disgusting. While I'm not a fan of the able bodied using the handicapped stall, I think everyone would agree to grant this guy an exception.

I will work on a more detailed write up of the trip, which will include a summary of our visit to a drag queen cabaret bar in NY where a dancer told me "you have nice blow job lips." (I still don't have a witty comeback to that one)

Hope everyone is doing well.


Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what she said! Hope you had a great time not being in regular life as you got old.