Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Belated Happy Holidays (Thanksgiving/Christmas/Boxing Day)

Ugh, it's me. This blog has recently reminded me of the girl you dated for a while and really hit it off. Then you neglected to call for a few days which then became a week, which then became two weeks. And then a month. Do you call her back or simply say "screw it" because it's been so long and now things are really awkward when you call? Will she even answer the phone? What the hell do you say after seven weeks of total radio silence?

"Happy Holidays." ???
"Sorry I've been such an asshole." ???
"Shit, did I really miss your birthday? Guess I owe you another present." ???

Anyway, I'm callin.., uhh, writing to say "Hi. It's been a long time. Sorry I've been delinquent. There's really no excuse. It's not you, it's me. Hope you're still checking to see if I am indeed alive. Will write again soon."