Monday, December 04, 2006

Great Commercials of the 80s

Given his driving, I'm thinking Redd Foxx actually broke into the malt liquor supply before filming this. And I have no idea what the hell the premise was for this commercial:

I used to love watching Super Friends when I was a kid, although what's up with Wonder Woman and Aqua Man flying? That always bothered me:

I remember having one of these toys in my house when I was a kid. I'm pray to the littl 8 lb, 6 oz Baby Jesus that it was my sister's:

Is it just me, or is this the most anti-social commercial of all time? You don't need real friends. You only need the imitation friend that's manufactured and sold for $20 instead:


Anonymous said...

A trip down memory lane. I use to always pretend I was Wonder Woman.

DerekB said...

Dude, Wonder Woman does fly. You know I know my comic trivia.

David James said...

I think there it's a grey as to whether she can fly. Why does she need an invisible plane (which is stupid to begin with) if she can fly?

Joe Jubinville said...

Foxx's 60-second commercial seems like an epic. The only companies that can afford them today are Big Pharmaceutical and Finance.