Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Telecommuting Wednesday

Working from home always gives the appearance that it's going to be a lazy day, although I tend to work more than when I go into the office. It could be the absence of chatty co-workers (although the SF office is pretty barren these days). Or it could be the regular distraction of the vending machine. Or it could be the daily 2-hour naps. Who knows.

Unfortunately, I am working on dial-up (don't ask) which means: (a) far less Internet surfing, and (b) even more work productivity. My employer really should encourage me to work from home each day.

It also means that I can leave at a decent hour to go to my son's birthday party today. Happy 6th birthday, Brian! I love you, buddy.


Anonymous said...

i guess telecommuting's not as remotely action packed as "air-commuting'.. i know you said, don't ask.. but dial up???? happy son's b-day.. sounds like you have a cutie.

David James said...

No, it's not nearly as exciting at all. Fortunately, there's no endless security line or 300 lb. seatmates to deal with.

Thanks ... Brian is a cutie. Unfortunately due to the sluggish 48 kbps speed of dial-up (*&$%^&!), I wasn't able to post a picture of him. Will do so, perhaps complete with birthday hat, tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brian!!!!!

Your pals, Syd & Tony

DerekB said...

Happy Birthday Brian!!!

Your Gay Uncle

David James said...

Thanks boys -- looking forward to the big Cleveland trip!