Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Batter Up!

San Francisco Giants' left fielder Barry Bonds, center, participated in a spoof of "American Idol" by dressing in drag and portraying Paula Abdul.

He is flanked by pitcher Jeff Fassero (left), as Simon Cowell, and second baseman Ray Durham (right), as judge Randy Jackson. Bonds was participating in a rookie hazing event prior to a spring training workout.

Sweet Jesus, Barry makes for one ugly chick. Are you sure that he's supposed to be imitating Paula Abdul and not Starr Jones? God, I would prefer to gaze non-stop at the photo of the 62-year old mother than look at Bonds in drag. For that matter, I'd rather stare non-stop at the sun.

If a 20-year veteran like Bonds was forced to dress in drag, lord only knows what the rookies had to do. I'm guessing it was some horrible thing involving farm animals, pudding and a Paris Hilton masks.


pop renaissance said...

SOOOOO good to see he can still occasionally have a sense of humor.

David James said...

It is fantastic. I still think that the media's abhorrence with Bonds is likely misguided (at least in part). I mean, how can you not love someone that's willing to dress up like pre-weight loss Starr Jones?

David James said...

I was trying to be charitable. But yeah. The only thing missing is her bearded husband.